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The Divine SHE is a living breathing essence, tangible, knowable, measurable, growable.

​She makes herself available for any creative endeavor.  She has been here before time... before physical existence. She will be here after it has dissolved. 

Forever knowing and loving us, forever enlivening us.

Welcome to...

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Daughters of Sophia

The Face of the New Sisterhood

Heal, Grow, Prosper

Join us for a Soul-Led, Full-Service

12-Month Divine Feminine

Mystery School 

  • Design your own path

  • Only pay one monthly price all year​

  • In the future Golden Age, we will live in a society driven by SOUL not Ego.

  • We will want for nothing.

  • We will manifest what we need when we need it.

  • And the planet will flourish..

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That Future is Now!

Divine Sophia has been bathing our planet in her love light for quite some time, but many of us are just discovering this fact.  Known as Holy Wisdom, Sophia is the Divine Mother, Creatrix of everything.  She was here before anything came into physical existence and will be here when the physical world dissolves.  Her essence is the most undeniable and exquisite LOVE imaginable.  


Just when we thought the world would spin totally out of control, She began shining her LOVE LIGHT through our Souls.  And many of us have begun to listen.


Whether you have noticed it yet or not, the planet has turned a corner.  





So if you have been...

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Sad and Depressed,

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Frustrated with your life..

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Worried about the state of the world...

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Exhausted with all of it...

Get out of your head, and drop into your SOUL!

It's time for a new beginning!

Imagine a world where...

  • We are respected for the wisdom we hold in our bodies and in our hearts;

  • In fact, imagine a world where all people are respected for who they are and what their soul brings to this planet;

  • Where we always have everything we need, all of us...

  • Where we can manifest anything we need at any time;

  • Where we can let go of the anxiety and the fear;

  • Where we can just relax.



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Here's what folks are experiencing...


It's beyond leading edge.  This knowledge is brilliant!  It is exactly what is needed right now!

 All I can say is this:   I no longer seek the light.   It was in me all along.   I just didn’t know where it was located and how to access it.  Now I know.   And now I am here not to seek, but to anchor the light, cast the light and love the light into the heart of humanity and Mama Gaia.    This is the real deal.   It is an actual quantifiable elevation of my own frequency, and a real rebirth into a higher vibrational version of myself. It's far more than a teaching.   It's a transmission of a new and elevated frequency of light.   It is evolution's answer to what these times need right now.     

Source Light School is the quickest way I know to raise your own frequency in a gentle yet joyful way.  The despair I once felt for the fate of humanity has dissolved into a new hope and strength made of light, connected to source, that flows through all levels of my system.    

Cynthia Reber Maman


Denver, Colorado


To say that Source Light School has changed my life may sound trite, and yet, it has changed me fundamentally. I am a person who struggles with doing anything consistently; I'm disciplined for a while and then right back out of habit and struggling to find my way again and again. The ease of this protocol and the effects of greater ease and flow in my life are so astounding that I can hardly believe how beautifully life is unfolding. I don't mean to say it meets my human needs of perfection, but my soul needs of ease and grace and bliss are the energies that I've been having most consistently, which is a new response to life. I recommend both Kathy for her wisdom and Source Light School for its evolutionary protocols to living life as I believe it was meant to be lived, open-hearted with joy and gratitude."

Star Thomas-Wyse

Akashic Records Consultant & Sacred Wisdom Coach

Belton, MO USA

Now you can...

  • Heal yourself by connecting with Source through your own Soul daily using a very simple protocol.

  • Go at your own pace and choose the path that is right for you.

  • Explore the hidden teachings of the Divine Feminine never before revealed. 

  • Understand her true nature.

  • Begin to “know her” in a new way, unencumbered by teachings, doctrines, rules of the past

  • Free yourself to explore her as she truly exists, here right now.

  • Begin to embody the gifts She brings so you can step into your power.

  • Learn the ways of the Source Light Priestess & the New Earth so you can begin living the FUTURE right NOW!

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In Daughters of Sophia

You can choose your own curriculum from all of the Feminine Mysteries & Source Light Classes for one easy monthly payment. 

Explore all your options by clicking on the links below...

 All Classes with this color star are considered "ADD ON" Classes and can be taken when they are offered if you decide to include them in your curriculum.

24 Modules that teach you how to connect to your Soul and activate your 12-Dimensional Body

A 12-month Moon-Lodge Circle that syncs your body up to the rhythms of the earth and teaches you how to treat your body well.

A 21-Day full body cleanse that we engage in together to jumpstart our systems for the new year ahead.

39 Modules of Upgraded Information that includes the high-level transformative results offered by the Priestess Process TM along with Soul Connecting Practices to prepare us for the Golden Age that is upon us. Begins September 4, 2024!

39 Modules of the Next Level of the Priestess ProcessTM to prepare you to own your sovereignty and share it with others.  Begins September 4, 2024!

A 21-Day full body cleanse that we engage in together to jumpstart our systems for the new year ahead.

39 Modules Business Training & Coaching to help you get your Soul-Led Business Started, that includes the high-level transformative results offered by the Priestess Process TM along with Soul Connecting Practices to prepare us for the Golden Age that is upon us.

Begins September, 2024!​

39 Modules of the Next Level of the Profitable Priestess ProcessTM to prepare you to own your sovereignty and share it with others, as well as continue to develop your business skills and get your Soul-Led Business up and running.

Begins September 4, 2024!

39 Modules of the Third Level of the Profitable Priestess ProcessTM to enhance your business skills and get your Soul-Led Business profitable at the level you desire.

39 Modules of a deep dive into the ancient teachings of the Medicine Wheel along with 2 Akashic Record Readings and an in-depth look at your Astrology Chart to help you get clear on your purpose and life plan.  Usually taken after Creatrix.

New Session Coming this Fall!​

Learn how to do Light Infusion Healings on yourself to enhance your experience of your 1st and 2nd Dimensional Self , keep your life on track, and manifest your desires more quickly.

New Session Coming this Fall!

Deepen your knowledge of your Source Light Energy Body and your manifestation abilities through the use of Sacred Geometry and the Light Infusion Templates - 5 Modules

New Session Coming This Fall!

Light Infusion 

Learn how use this remarkable healing modality on others! 

Coming this Fall!

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The next level of Light Infusion Templates to continue your journey of manifestation through the use of Sacred Geometry and the Light Infusion Templates - 5 Modules

Coming this Fall!

Enhance your Relationship with Money as you connect that relationship with your SOUL and become SOUL-LED.

Coming this Fall!

a 5-month deep dive into the Divine Essence of Sophia, and how to find, measure, and propagate her energy in your home and world.

Tap into Enchantment! Take the time to be in a circle of Sisters to plan and create the year you want to live.

Coming in December, 2025 

Spiritual Community Connections

You'll be sent a personal invitation to the Stalking Sophia Private What's App Group where you can get support from a huge community of Soul-Led seekers.

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Choose a pace that is right for you!

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This Process offers all the tools you need to face the challenges of our changing world!

  • We are moving into an age of Galactic Light that our bodies are not prepared to handle.

  • All of these processes offer tried and tested tools that give you what you need right now to create a future that is self-sustaining and abundant.

  • Tapping into the "Sophia Frequency" that is now bathing this planet can give you what you need to create a brighter future.

  • You can begin now to grow into who you came here to be.


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Working with Kathy Forest in Profitable Priestess and Source Light School has profoundly transformed my life. The daily Source Light protocol has reconnected me to my soul and unblocked my connection and communication with the divine. This has allowed me to ask for and decipher guidance and direction at will, enhancing my personal healing by bringing in more pure divine light, which raises my vibration and protects me from lower energies. Professionally, this newfound clarity and guidance have been instrumental in establishing and growing my healing practice, providing me with insights and resources to better serve my clients.

Casey Lee

Energy healer & Transformation Coach

Indianapolis, In

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Imagine what would happen if we started cultivating this frequency all over the planet!

This is how we change the world!

Are you ready to create a brighter future?

It's time to let go of the struggle.  Everything you need to shift your world is right here at your fingertips.  There is nothing to fear.  It is time to shift into the Golden Age right now...


Please note that all of these classes are offered LIVE on Zoom - NO PRE-RECORDINGS!


Beginner Access - 12 Months of Sacred Rhythms, 21-Days of Body Wisdom Boot Camp, and 24 Modules of Source Light School - a $2,950 value only $111 a month.



Priestess Access - All of the above plus 39 Modules of the Source Light Priestess Classes and 2 Private Sessions with Kath - a $6,050 value only $222 a month.




Priestess Plus Access - All of the above plus 3 extra "add-on" classes of your choice - a $7,450 value only $333 a month.




VIP Access - All of the above plus access to all extra classes of your choice, and 4 extra private sessions with Kath - a $12,750 value only $444 a month.




Full Pay options can be found below where you can save even more!​​​


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Not sure which one is right for you?  Click HERE to schedule a time to chat with Kath about it!

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Is this right for you?  It is if...

  • You're hungry for Sacred Connection in your life...

  • You're tired of waiting for life to happen for you...

  • You're ready to step into your Sovereignty as a Feminine Leader...

Still not sure?  Click HERE to schedule a time to chat with Kath about it!

Join Your Sisters...

Sophia is Calling you...

The time is NOW!

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Are you ready to change the world?

Daughters of Sophia

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